As Featured in Time, USA Today, GQ, Shape, US and more
Krav Maga Online Streaming Video Pack
In this 5 online video series (available online only) you will learn highly effective techniques for defending yourself against both unarmed and armed violent street attacks.
Learn to defend against all variety of attacks
Counter in the quickest and most efficient way.
Krav Maga is the official hand-to-hand combat system of the Israeli Defense Forces. It’s also the preferred system for U.S. Military and law enforcement personnel.
Krav Maga is not a traditional martial art. No katas. No rituals.
Lead a SAFER and more CONFIDENT life. Learn the most cutting edge self defense system in the world.

Introduction to Krav Maga™
The origins of the Israeli Self Defense System
How did Krav Maga become the official system for the Israeli Defense Forces! Why is it so widely used by law enforcement? These questions and more are answered in this introductory video. An understanding of the origins of Krav Maga will help yo umaster the system quickly.
running time 24 minutes
Basic Combatives
Striking Techniques for Men & Women
There are no rules when your life is in danger. In this video you will learn to fight off an attacker by delivering powerful counterattacks such as punches, kicks, elbows and knees.
running time 89 minutes
The Best Defense
Self Defense Techniques for Men & Women
Chokes, headlocks, bearhugs – violent attacks such as these can occur without warning. This video teaches you to respond to such assaults quickly, effectively and without hesitation.
running time 79 minutes
Line of Fire
Defending Against Handgun Threats
Krav Maga techniques in this video will teach you to defend against the most commonly used lethal weapon in violent street assaults – the handgun. You will learn to defend against a variety of handgun threats by redirecting the line of fire, controlling the weapon, and neutralizing and disarming the gunman.
running time 77 minutes
On The Edge
Defending Against Common Knife Attacks
Knife attacks are lightning fast and brutal. This video teaches you techniques to respond to such attacks delivered from a distance, close range and from a variety of angles.
running time 83 minutes
Please Note: This is a streaming video series only.